Recently,we are very honored to welcome distinguished customers from Russia,They come specially to see our auto parts.This visit is not only a recognition of our technical strength, but also an important demonstration of our company.
During the visit,we introduced the functions and features of auto parts to customers in detail.Showed customers the production process,quality control and other aspects of auto parts.Russian customers have taken a keen interest in our products and appreciate our exquisite craftsmanship and strict quality control.
Our parts include the cr injectors,cr nozzle ,control valve,repair kit ,cr pump ,and pump accessories
After the visit,we also had in-depth exchanges and discussions with customers,inviting Russian customers to experience Chinese culture,taste Chinese food,understand the traditional farming culture of the farmhouse,and return to nature.
Overall,this visit from Russian customers was a very successful event.We demonstrated our technical strength and product advantages to customers,and also gained valuable opinions and suggestions from customers.